Tuesday, April 14, 2009

That little green buff goblin down there thought it would be funny and decided to move into my sinus cavity which in my opinion is the Beverly Hills of the Hilldweller Estate,the top of the world for area code 33. So far he hasnt paid any rent since March 6 and all hes done is left me to clean up his gooey mucus slime and made me talk like im tuned in D minor.
But thanks to the Neti-Pot© (as modeled by that Broad down there) and my will to flood the sacred sniffer with warm water and salt on numerous occasions he finally got a proper eviction notice and once again i can smell the sweet smell of Bacon frying...

1 comment:

Caterina said...

I seriously can't believe you blogged about the Neti. Once you try it, you are hooked and it works so well. YES!!!!! I have demonstrated the Neti many times and peeps are just too puss to bust out. Best move I ever made for my nose.